Tutorial part 1: Getting started

by Danielle Navarro, 21 Apr 2019

My initial goal in writing the slum theme was purely selfish: I use blogdown on my own blog and I wanted to understand how it works. To help me learn, I decided to read the documentation and tinker with the minimalistic XMin theme. I… um… got a little carried away, and ended up with a fairly flexible blogging template with a few more bells and whistles than I was expecting. I wasn’t entirely convinced it would be useful, so I named it Somewhat-Light Unhelpfully-Minimal Hugo theme.

Having created the thing, I decided I might as well document it too…

My assumption is that anyone intending to use the slum theme is using it within blogdown rather than some other kind of Hugo website, so the documentation is written with an R user in mind. Additionally, I’ll assume that you’ve never used blogdown or Hugo before, but I do assume you’ve used R Markdown.

Creating a slumdown blog

The slumdown package is an experiment in creating a simple “blogdown native” Hugo theme, one that assumes that posts are written using R Markdown. It extends the slum theme for Hugo by providing an interface for customising the blog within R and a system for generating plots that use the same colour scheme as the blog post. The slumdown package is not on CRAN and so needs to be installed from GitHub:

# devtools::install_github("djnavarro/slumdown")

By default, the slumdown package assumes the source code for the site takes the form of an RStudio project, and will be deployed to GitHub pages, though neither is strictly necessary. To get started:

slum_new(dir = "path/to/my/slumblog") 

This will create a new RStudio project called slumblog (or whatever), download the slum theme and the example site. From within the project, initialise the blog using blogdown:


Blogdown will then generate the example site in the docs folder, which provides a short tutorial on how to get started using the package and what it is capable of.

Initial configuration

Most of the settings that you’ll initially want to play with are in the config.toml file. The file is (I hope) fairly well documented, so you can see what most of the settings do and how to configure them. For example, here’s a snippet:

# These settings specify the title for your blog, 
# and the name of the Hugo theme that it uses.
title = "A minimal Hugo website"
theme = "hugo-slum"

Take a look at the config file, change a couple of things if you like, and then you’re ready to start blogging!